Live a Long Life

Tricia and I discovered this article the other week, which was posted on a blog by the Aspen Institute. The title of the blog is - 'The Secrets to a Long, Healthy Life are in the Blue Zone'. 
You can click on this LINK to read the whole blog, but the following is a list of 9 things that contribute to a better life. How many can you tick? 

The first is to move naturally. “They did not belong to gyms and they did not run marathons,” Buettner said. “They moved on average every 20 minutes. They had gardens, they lived in de-convenienced zones, they walked and biked, they didn’t have a button for this electronic, they used their hands.”  

The Blue Zone populations know how to downshift to reduce stress by practicing yoga, meditation, saying prayers or eating with their families. The longest-lived people have a sense of purpose and can articulate it.  

They also eat wisely, drink a little bit of alcohol (usually wine), eat a plant-based diet (with a large amount of legumes), avoid overeating, and regulate portion sizes.  

Those who live longer are well-connected in their social networks, put family first, and have monogamous spousal relationships. 

And, most have faith, regardless of a specific religion. Buettner referred to a study that shows people who show up to a faith-based community at least four times a month and are active, live four to 14 years longer than those who do not.

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